


Kathy was born in Baxley, Appling County, Georgia.Like her sisters before her, she was enrolled at the Altamaha School. Kathy enjoyed participation in the 4-H Club Fat Cow contest. She also worked in the field in tocacco and truck crops as did her older sisters.She then attended Appling County High School where. like Rena, she was an awarded the annual music cup for outstanding cumulative performance and the drama cup, as well. She and her husband to be Ed would then graduate from West Georgia College, now University of West Georgia College and both became teachers in Appling County. With Ed's training in the sciences he obtained employment with the state of Georgia in air and water pollution control and they moved to Conyers Georgia where Kathy continued to teach and pursue a Masters degree.

The Cook family moved to the Jacksonville. FL area with their two children as Ed had been hired by CSX (railroad) and Kathy remained in Education eventually obtaining a Masters Degree in Counseling and an Education Specialist Degree and became an administrator. They were active in church and community and in time they would both retire and move to rural Guyton, Effingham County, Georgia and became active in church and community. With industrial and population influx Guyton was became a de facto suburb of Savannah. Their grown children are nearby and the Sisters Five Momma Helen has lived with them for many years.

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